〔番外編〕Doing Grounded Theory with MAXQDA
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このガイドでは、グラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチの基本的な原理を簡単に説明した後、 MAXQDA を使ってプロジェクトを実施する方法を紹介します。
- What to expect from this guide?
- How does a grounded theory study progress?
- Create project, import and organize data
Create MAXQDA project
Import data
Organize data into document groups - Coding data
General aspects of coding in grounded theory studies
The MAXQDA mode “Open Coding”
In vivo coding
Color coding
Creative Coding: Organize codes visually as on a whiteboard
Organize codes in the “Code System”
Advanced coding: Increasing the level of abstraction - Writing memos
What are memos?
Distinguish memos
Compose memos
Link memos
Organize, edit, and search memos in the Memo Manager
Integrate memos - Creating diagrams
Create free concept maps
Use model templates - Finalizing and writing-up the theory
Using more MAXQDA functions
Compiling aspects of the theory in the QTT workspace - To Conclude: A few general notes