〔番外編〕Doing Grounded Theory with MAXQDA

Doing Grounded Theory with MAXQDA
Stefan Rädiker 著
言語: 英語
ISBN: 978-3-948768-16-4


MAXQDA Pressから無料でダウンロードできる最新ガイドブック。

このガイドでは、グラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチの基本的な原理を簡単に説明した後、 MAXQDA を使ってプロジェクトを実施する方法を紹介します。



  1. What to expect from this guide?
  2. How does a grounded theory study progress?
  3. Create project, import and organize data
    Create MAXQDA project
    Import data
    Organize data into document groups
  4. Coding data
    General aspects of coding in grounded theory studies
    The MAXQDA mode “Open Coding”
    In vivo coding
    Color coding
    Creative Coding: Organize codes visually as on a whiteboard
    Organize codes in the “Code System”
    Advanced coding: Increasing the level of abstraction
  5. Writing memos
    What are memos?
    Distinguish memos
    Compose memos
    Link memos
    Organize, edit, and search memos in the Memo Manager
    Integrate memos
  6. Creating diagrams
    Create free concept maps
    Use model templates
  7. Finalizing and writing-up the theory
    Using more MAXQDA functions
    Compiling aspects of the theory in the QTT workspace
  8.  To Conclude: A few general notes


